

开云官方注册: General Office of HUHST

The General OfficeCPC Committee Office and President Officeis a combined office in charge of the Party and administrative affairs.Generally speaking, its main functions are to serve the Party secretary andPresident of HUHST, to serve other departments and to serve the grass-roots:organizing, coordinating, supervising, official documents handling, informationcommunicating, confidential files keeping, comprehensive accounting andstatistics, external liaison, comprehensive management service and other tasks assignedby superiors. It acts as the adviser and assistant of HUHST’s governance staff,the hub of information exchange, the coordinator and supervisor for differentdepartments. Specifically, its functions areas follows:

1. Responsible for organizing and arranging variousconferences convened by the university as well as meetings jointly organized byrelated departments in the name of the university, keeping records of meetingminutes; delivering meeting summaries as needed.

2. Responsible for drafting and deliveringimportant speeches by university leaders, work plans, work reports, summaries,rules and regulations, letters, resolutions, documents submitted or issued inthe name of the university, as well as guiding Party-associated orAdministration-connected departments and grassroots Party or Administrationorganizations in their presentation of official documents.

3. Conduct in-depth surveys in accordance with thecentral work, or the intentions and requirements, of the university in order toprovide valuable advisory opinions upon which to base the university’sdecision-making, as well as managing, supervising and encouraging theimplementation of the university’s resolutions and work plans in variousdepartments and organizations so as to provide timely feedback to the PartyCommittee or the Administration.

4. Responsible for approval-submission andprocess-expediting of requests for instruction, reports and accounts submittedto the Party Committee or the Administration by various university-wide departmentsand organizations.

5. Responsible for registering, circulating,managing, inspecting and returning, and filing documents, telegrams and lettersdelivered by upper level department leaders and associated departments withinthe university.

6. Responsible for the university-wide confidentialdocuments and inside data.

7. Responsible for gathering, sorting and filingParty Committee and the Administration documents.

8. Represent or assist the Party Committee and theAdministration in handling public letters and visits, in order to ensure asmooth channel of communication between the Party Committee or theAdministration and the masses, as well as working hard to follow up and dealwith important letters and visits as instructed by higher authorities andleaders of the Party Committee or the Administration.

9. Responsible for coordinating the relationsbetween each department within the Party Committee or the Administration andvarious grassroots organizations in order to properly handle the submission andissuance of relevant documents and instructions, as well as coordinating thecomprehensive work jointly conducted by various party and administrativedepartments.

10. Responsible for documenting, organizing andcomposing memoirs of the university activities.

11. Responsible for printing documents, receivingand dispatching official letters and confidential communications for the wholeuniversity, and managing the university’s postal system.

12. Responsible for managing the official seals ofthe university, as well as the university leaders’ private seals and isresponsible for issuing the letters of introduction; in addition, managing theengraving and recycling of all of the official seals of the entire university.

13. Responsible for receiving visitors from upperlevel work units, other universities, colleges and other institutions who comefor liaison work and study tours of our university, as well as arrangingmeetings, visits, study tours, etc. for the leaders of the university.

14. Responsible for receiving and handling visitsand letters from the masses from both within and without the university, aswell as making note of complaints from students, so as to punctually reportthem to leaders in charge.

15. Responsible for the routine work of theAssociation of Alumni, Archive and Internet Information.

16. Responsible for all other work assigned by theuniversity authorities.

Contact Information

Telephone: 0738-8325700;

Fax: 0738- 8372887

Address: R208, No.1 OfficeBuilding,

Hunan University of Humanities, Science andTechnology,

Dixing Road,Loudi,HunanProvince

Post Code: 417000

