

开云官方注册: School of Fine Arts and Design

We have great staff and outstanding conditions. Among the 65 faculty members, 10 are professors and associate professors; 16 lecturers. 39 of them have either doctorate or master degrees. Many have graduated from famous universities such as Tsinghua Academy of Fine Arts, China Academy of Fine Arts, China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, Hubei Academy of Fine Arts, etc.

In recent years, these teachers have undertaken more than 20 national and provincial research projects. More than 30 pieces of their work have been collected by art galleries at home and abroad.

Yifu Art Building with a total construction area of 22,000 m2 contains exhibition galleries, multimedia classrooms, cartoon studios, ceramics, framing, environment art design, carving and photography and a reference room. In the aim of cultivating talents with innovation, management, and internationalization abilities, we attach great importance to improving the quality of teaching and to implementing an opening policy and campus-industry-learning collaboration. Loudi Academy of Paintings and Chinese Calligraphy is an exhibition platform for pieces of work done by the school academics and students .We focus on improving students’ practical skills and innovative ability. In recent years, our students have won the prizes of the international, National and Provincial Undergraduate Fine Arts contests.

Undergraduate Programs:

Fine Arts, Chinese Calligraphy, Environmental Design, Visual Communication Design

Main required courses for undergraduate programs:

Fine Arts:History of Chinese Fine Arts;  History of Foreign Fine Arts, An Overview of Art, Pencil Sketch, Coloring, Perspective, Traditional Chinese Painting, Oil Painting, Calligraphy, Seal cutting, Print Making, Sculpture, Ceramics, Pedagogy, Psychology, etc.

Chinese Calligraphy: Traditional Chinese Literature, Philology; A Survey of Art, History of Chinese Calligraphy, Calligraphy, Aesthetics, Traditional Chinese Painting, Practical Writing etc.

Environmental Design:History of Chinese and Foreign Design , Introduction of Design, Design Sketch, Design Color, Two-D Design, Three-D Design; Design Thinking, Packaging Design, Logo Design, Advertising Design, Enterprise Image Design, Animation Modeling, Original Painting Design, 2-D Animation, 3-D Animation, Landscape Design, Furniture and Furnishings, Interior Design, Computer-aided Graphic Design, Photography.

Visual Communication Design: Design Sketch; Color design; 2-D Design; 3-D Design ; Pattern Design and Pattern Originality;  Photography Foundation; Introduction to Art; Design Psychology; Format Design. Poster Design; Brand Image Design; Packaging Design; Advertising Creative and Design; Material and Printing Process Design; Film and Television Advertising Design;  Film and Television Animation Design; Film and Television Program Packaging; Web design;Maya;3D Max; Premiere; Flash, etc.

Contact Information

Tel: +86-738-8325115
